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Politiques néolibérales

Rankont bayè yo nan Waschinton: yon lòt rankont pwomès blòf, manti ak fo espwa

Mouvman Demokratik Popilè (MODEP)

Chak fwa rankont bayè yo ap fèt, je anpil moun brake sou kantite lajan kominote entènasyonal la di li pral bay swadizan pou devlope peyi a. Se toujou ak anpil plezi otorite ayisyen yo ranmase tout resèt FMI ak Bank Mondyal yo pou mete nan dyakout yo pou al diskite ak menm enstitisyon sa yo. Malgre sa, apre rankont sa yo, peyi a toujou plonje pirèd nan dezespwa, mizè, chomaj ak depandans.

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Un G20 pour rien

Par: Damien Millet et Eric Toussaint

Les effets d’annonce ne manquent pas autour du sommet des 20 pays
industrialisés et émergents (G20) réunis à Londres les 1er et 2 avril pour
apporter des solutions à la crise. Mais bien avant la clôture du sommet,
les conclusions sont connues : le G20 ne sera pas à la hauteur de l’enjeu.

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Declaración de ASC frente a la reunión del G20.

La actual crisis económica internacional ha significado en primer lugar la bancarrota de la ideología neoliberal. Es preciso decir que el epicentro del terremoto financiero no estuvo en los llamados países en desarrollo sino en los países más poderosos que impusieron durante todos estos años las terapias de choque al resto del mundo con el argumento de estabilizar la economía. Justamente ha sido el ilegítimo G8 formado por las mayores economías del planeta, que comandó con el auxilio de las instituciones financieras multilaterales y la OMC esta tragedia anunciada. Son estos los médicos que resultaron los peores enfermos, y si nunca tuvieron legitimidad para comandar el mundo, han perdido ahora toda autoridad para imponer sus recetas. La ideología del fin de la historia enfrenta su propio fin.

Lire la suite »Declaración de ASC frente a la reunión del G20.

The global financial crisis: Lessons and responses from Africa

Original article published on Pambazuka

As the international financial crisis points to the collapse of laissez faire economics and discredits market fundamentalism, Africa and the global South should break free from failed neoliberal policies and the institutions that have promoted them and define their own paths to development, writes Demba Moussa Dembele, director of the Forum for African Alternatives.

The crisis provides fundamental lessons, says Dembele, the first being that markets do not have self-correcting mechanisms, and that market failures are not less costly than state failures. Secondly, « the collapse of the neoliberal dogma is a major blow to the international financial institutions. What is even more devastating to them is the reversal of most of the policies they had advocated for decades in Africa and in other ‘poor’ countries under the now discredited SAPs (structural adjustment programmes). The IMF and the World Bank are supporting fiscal stimulus – expansionary fiscal policies – in the United States, Europe and Asia. »

Thirdly, its clear that the state remains a central player in solving crises caused by markets, and is not the sole cause of economic and social problems in Africa that neoliberal policy has categorised it as. Dembele notes that many development agencies do not have Africa’s best interests at heart, citing failures to cancel debt and to dedicate 0.7 per cent of GDP to official development assistance budgets, along with restricting the access of African exports to Western markets. In contrast, US$4 trillion was made available in matter of weeks to tackle the international financial crisis, 45 times the total aid budget of the European Union and the USA for 2007.

Dembele calls for Africa and Africans to forget neoliberal capitalism and explore new paths to ‘an endogenous development for and by its people’, recommending that Africa should restore capital controls and reject unfavourable trade liberalisation policies, as well as reversing the privatisation of key sectors and natural resources. Likewise, the author calls for African governments to restore the role of the state in the development process, reclaim the debate on African development while learning from the experiences of other countries in the global South, and to build an alternative means for financing development including South-South co-operation and the integration of diaspora remittances into a coherent strategy.

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Programme de visite du Professeur Gérard Duménil à Port-au-Prince du 27 Septembre au 1er Octobre 2008

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La Plate forme haïtienne de Plaidoyer pour un Développement Alternatif (PAPDA) a l’avantage de vous annoncer qu’elle a invité le Professeur Gérard Duménil à visiter notre pays du 27 septembre au 1er octobre 2008. Cette visite sera coordonnée conjointement par le Rectorat de l’Université d’Etat d’Haïti et la PAPDA et a également reçu l’appui du RNDDH.

Dans le cadre de cette visite des rencontres seront organisées dans le but de mettre en place des activités d’échange et de coopération entre les Facultés de l’UEH, les organisations et réseaux d’organisations liés à la PAPDA et les travaux de recherche et de formation menés par le Professeur Duménil.

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Fowòm nasyonal kont lavi chè ak plan neyoliberal

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Nou, òganizasyon ki soti nan diferan sektè andedan 8 depatman nan peyi Dayiti, nou te reyini sou envitasyon Kolektif Mobilizasyon Kont Lavichè nan yon fowòm nasyonal kont lavi chè ak plan neyoliberal kay pe Tòlann yo nan kafou, soti 18 pou rive 21 out 2006. Nan fowòm nasyonal sa a, nou te reflechi sou move konsekans aplikasyon plan lanmò neyoliberal la, pwoblèm lavichè a ak estrateji batay nou dwe mennen pou n konbat plan sa a. Nan divès refleksyon nou fè yo, nou rive konstate plan neyoliberal la se youn nan pwogram ki lakòz kondisyon lavi mas yo vin pi grav chak jou pi plis. Plan neyoliberal la lakòz pwodiksyon nasyonal la fin disparèt. Jounen jodi a, pwodui pèpè anvayi mache a.

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