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Les organisations haïtiennes rejettent le projet de la ZLEA

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Nous, hommes et femmes, représentants de plus de 80 organisations de tous les secteurs de la vie nationale provenant de 8 départements géographiques accompagnés de plusieurs délégations venant de la République Dominicaine, de Porto Rico, nous nous sommens rencontrés à l’Hôtel Christopher les 12, 13 et 14 novembre 2003 pour analyser le projet de la ZLEA.

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Forum national sur la ZLEA

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Contenu: – Propos d’ouverture – Atelye 1: zon franch – Atelye 2: migrasyon – Atelye 3: lutte contre la pauvreté – Atelye 4: rezistans altenativ – Télécharger le rapport complet Propos d’Ouverture Monsieur, le Directeur exécutif de la PAPDA, Mesdames,… Lire la suite »Forum national sur la ZLEA

L’Éducation et les Services Publics en Haïti: ZLEA et Marchandisation

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La Zone de Libre-Échange en Amérique (ZLEA) est un espace de liberté projeté pour le capital, plus précisément pour les entreprises transnationales dominées par le capital étatsunien, d’ici l’an 2005. L’échange qui caractérise la base matérielle de la vie de l’homme, ne s’oriente pas vers la réalisation du bien-être, mais bien vers celle de la valeur. La transformation de toute relation humaine en objet de profit, devient l’objectif primordial du capital qui doit, selon la formule de maximisation des gains et de minimisation des pertes, s’accumuler pour se reproduire.

Lire la suite »L’Éducation et les Services Publics en Haïti: ZLEA et Marchandisation

G90 must ensure that development becomes priority in WTO negotiations

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As Ministers of the G90 group gather in Guyana June 3rd -4th 2004, for a forum intended ‘to adopt a common strategy’ for the contentious WTO negotiations, NGOs in the Caribbean are urging the Ministers to remain steadfast in their opposition to the current ‘agenda’ within the World Trade Organization (WTO) and to ensure that development issues become a priority in the negotiations.

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G20 of developing countries: Passing phenomenon of here to stay?

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SINCE its establishment on August 20 of last year the G20 has awakened a lot of interest and raised all sorts of expectations in many quarters, some positive, others less so. Although the Group is very recent perhaps a little history, concentrating on the circumstances that surrounded its creation, can contribute to clarify its nature and purpose and help to understand its future role.

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G20, the developing country coalition

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IN THIS ISSUE of Focus on Trade we look at the G20, the developing country coalition that threw a sizeable spanner in the works during last year’s WTO ministerial. Although their role as a potential counterpower to the US and the EU is welcome, their negotiating position in the WTO is riddled with contradictions. How does the G20 propose to reconcile market access and agricultural liberalisation in the framework of the WTO with their stated intention to protect small producers and peasants? Whose interests are they really defending? Can export agriculture bring employment and prosperity to the rural poor? Is it possible to simultaneously maximise the benefits from exports and protect local producers?

Lire la suite »G20, the developing country coalition